Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Jam-packed November

November 2: Dia de los Muertos celebration
We will celebrate Day of the Dead with several activities throughout the day. In the morning we will listen to a bilingual read aloud to learn about the holiday. Our own Diana will be reading aloud the Spanish pages. We will also explore some really cool Dia de los Muertos artwork from Mexico and learning about the holiday from photographs taken during the festivities in Guanajuato. We'll also feast on traditional el pan de muerto (dead bread) and sugar skulls while we decorate our own Day of the Dead crafts. Parents, if you would like to join during any part of the celebration, let us know!

November 3: Memoir Publishing Party
It is finally publishing time! Before we move onward to our Interpretative Essay unit, it is time to celebrate our memoirs. We moved through the writing cycle and learned some new strategies to improve our writing. We will be calling upon these skills in our next unit as we grow ideas supported by our life experiences and structure deep meaning within the essay structure. Parents, join us as we share our work, offer feedback and celebrate the end of our first writing cycle.

November 8: Election Day
The second Tuesday in November means it is Election Day! No school for you. We will see you the following day.

November 10: 80's Dress Up Day
The first of the 5th grade fundraising dress up days is here! On Thursday, November 10 you have the opportunity to dress retro and raise money for all of the many 5th end-of-year activities (yearbooks, the trip, the after-graduation dance, etc). So what you weren't even alive then! An adult in your life is sure to remember the era's fashions. This fundraising day is celebrated by all of the school! So let's show P.S. 58 just how awesomely 80's we can be. Parents, remember to send your child in with $1 if they are participating and find a reason to stop by if you can. It's sure to amusing. :)

November 11: Veterans Day
A National holiday? On a Friday? Yes, unlike the many holidays we observe on Mondays, 11/11 is celebrated on whichever day of the week it falls on. This date is significant in America's history; it was the date World War I ended. To honor the veterans of this massive multi-nation war, the observed date is always November 11.
November 15: Parent-Teacher Conferences
Class 301 has a half day while we meet with your parents. Parents, please be on the look-out for the time preference sheet. This came so quickly!

November 17: Wolf Visit
You remember that wolf visit from last year? It's kind of going to be like that. Wolf, the sequel.

November 22: Harvest Festival
Our first grade-wide celebration! Stay tuned for festival details on this potluck celebration. In the meantime, enjoy our classroom pumpkin while it's still in one piece.

November 24-25: Thanksgiving Recess
You know how this goes. You eat a lot and see family and boom! it's the holiday season.

What a month!

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